Within California’s complicated and heavily-regulated municipal debt framework, Vanessa Legbandt provides clarity for public agencies that seek to raise financing for public facilities. Whether Vanessa is acting as bond counsel or disclosure counsel to public agencies, or as underwriter’s counsel to a financial institution, her honest, straightforward approach helps clients make informed decisions in matters involving revenue bonds and certificates of participation, water and sewer enterprise financings, transportation financings, school district financings, land-secured financings and tax increment bond refundings. She also represents public agencies and developers in financing and structuring economic development projects, including hotels, car dealerships, and market-rate and affordable housing developments. She has advised numerous clients regarding the procedures and relative costs and benefits of forming and issuing debt through enhanced infrastructure financing districts.

Vanessa S. Legbandt
- University of San Diego, J.D., magna cum laude; Order of the Coif, 2005
- University of California, Santa Cruz, B.A., psychology, honors in the major, 2000
American Bar Association
Orange County Bar Association
- Women in Public Finance
Bar Admissions
- California