Economic Development/PPP
Economic development is a core objective of local communities and Stradling attorneys have extensive experience in creating and implementing economic development policies and programs for public entity clients.
Economic development promotes new jobs and local revenues and improves the quality of life in a neighborhood, community, or region. Stradling counsels public entity clients on creating local policies to meet broad economic objectives to enhance revenues, create employment, and trigger sustainable growth.
We have assisted our clients in establishing programs with the primary objective to improve the economic well-being of the local community through:
Improving business retention
Neighborhood revitalization
Home ownership
Job creation
Job retention
Tax base enhancements
Attracting new development
Examples of economic development programs and projects that Stradling attorneys have assisted clients include transit-oriented projects to revitalize urban areas and bring new, local revenues to communities. We have recently advised on major transit-oriented projects such as:
The Gold Line operations and maintenance facility and parking facilities in Monrovia
Development and operation of the Station District in Santa Ana
The multi-modal transit project in San Juan Capistrano
Negotiation of contracts in connection with the joint use facilities in Pasadena
Major commercial developments also bring economic development into a community, and Stradling attorneys have been lead counsel to public and private clients. For example, for one city client new development projects include transactional, advisory, and financing counsel on the CIM, the Koll Center, Disney Goals, GardenWalk, and Anaheim Plaza projects in Anaheim.
These projects range in value from $100,000 to several hundreds of millions of dollars. Additional significant commercial transactions include:
Downtown developments, such as the reuse of multiple impacted sites in Garden Grove with seven modern, high-rise hotels with restaurants and other resort uses along Harbor Boulevard
Mall developments and reuse of malls, including the Burbank mall and the redevelopment and expansion of The Shops at Mission Viejo
Power centers, such as The Lakes at West Covina and the Freeway Center in west Mission Viejo
Retail/entertainment centers, such as Triangle Square in Costa Mesa and Kaleidoscope in Mission Viejo